Of the twenty eight players this afternoon, five of them started the competition with a one point handicap, having won a previous Saturday Competition in 2022. It was wonderful to have such a big group of competitors, which brought the prize pool up to $56 – winner takes it all. The three players – Heike, Peter M and Van – who ended the day with the perfect score of 26 all had a one point handicap, so it was up to a count back to decide the winner. Peter M was the clear winner, having had no points scored against him, while Van had 7 points scored against him and Heike conceded 15 points. Peter now has a 2 point handicap for the remainder of 2022. A great competition, in great weather, sheltering under the newly constructed verandah which gives a bright, clean look to the front of the clubrooms.
Then it was into the clubhouse to sing “Happy Birthday” to Marilyn and also to Richard H, and to feast on the tasty cakes provided by Ann. Thank you, Ann.
Our July Saturday Competition will be held on 16 July at 3.00 pm, registrations by 2.55 pm on the day.